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Terra Alpha Investments selects Esgaia to optimize the engagement process

Terra Alpha will implement Esgaia’s purpose-built engagement tracking software to support its active ownership practices.

Esgaia, a Swedish software company, facilitates institutional investors’ engagement processes by providing a dedicated engagement management and recording platform. Terra Alpha will use the software to record, monitor, and coordinate activities across the organization.

Anton Ljung, CEO at Esgaia, comments: “This is another example of Terra Alpha’s commitment to sound investment stewardship. While our current clients provide the necessary proof-of-concept of the software - as one of our first US-based clients - we really look forward to benefitting from their knowledge and insights in platform development to help drive engagement success and improvements of overall market dynamics.”

Contact information

Anton Ljung, CEO, Esgaia AB

Terra Alpha Investments is an employee and investor-owned investment management firm based in Washington, D.C. The firm was founded in 2014 by highly experienced investors, and operates an actively managed global public equities strategy using a hybrid quantitative/qualitative investment process.



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